1878 map of the Treaty of Berlin -- reversing some of gains Russia made in the preliminary Treaty of San Stefano, this marked official recognition of newly independent states of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro

1878 map of the Treaty of Berlin – reversing some of gains Russia made in the preliminary Treaty of San Stefano, this marked official recognition of newly independent states of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro

4756 × 6241

‘This is the treaty that internationalized the Armenian Question. Besides Russia losing some Armenian populated regions, it also reversed the 16th article of the San Stefano treaty which postulated that the Ottoman empire should immediately make reforms and guarantee the safety of Armenians before Russian troops leave the territories to be handed over back to the Ottomans. Whereas after Ottomans bargained with the UK (by handing over Cyprus), the 61st article of Berlian treaty again promised the same reforms but without anyone really pressuring the Ottomans into actually doing it. Barely 15 years later the Hamidian massacres started’–Aram_the_Armenian