Map of the world originally drawn in the 11th century, taken from an Arabian manuscript of Al Edrisi in the Bodleian Library - published 1800

Map of the world originally drawn in the 11th century, taken from an Arabian manuscript of Al Edrisi in the Bodleian Library - published 1800

3060 × 3206

‘Another example of the westward-leading Nile that dumps into the Atlantic Ocean. All through Antiquity they thought it did this, but I did not realize the Arabs were in on the notion too…makes sense as they probably got all their first maps from Constantinople anyway. It is generally accepted that someone saw the Senegal River, which has a very similar look to the Nile and contains hippos, crocodiles, and other “Nile life”. Whatever the reason, on most of the old maps, the Nile reaches north to the Mediterranean but also west to the Atlantic’–SchizoidRainbow