Native forest in Australia, by crown cover class (2018)

Native forest in Australia, by crown cover class (2018)

3509 x 2481

‘Woodland forest: As a National Forest Inventory cover class, native forest in which the tree crowns cover between 20% and 50% of the land area.

Open forest: As a National Forest Inventory cover class, forest in which the tree crowns cover from over 50% to 80% of the land area.

Closed forest: As a National Forest Inventory cover class, forest in which the tree crowns cover more than 80% of the land area.

-The last category has possibly been renamed, but could fall under

Other forest: A National Forest Inventory forest category that principally comprises non-commercial plantations and planted forests that are not reported through the National Plantation Inventory but that satisfy the definition of forest.

‘Other forest’ includes agroforestry plantations, sandalwood plantations, environmental plantings, plantations within the reserve system, and plantations regarded as not commercially viable. Non-planted forests dominated by introduced species are also included in this category.’